The Nautilus Part 3: More Cutting

Posted January 30th, 2014 by Devin and filed in Modeling, The Nautilus

IMG_5045Slow progress as of late. Honestly it’s just been too damn cold to do any building, so I’ve been focusing more on writing. I’ve forced myself to eek out a little progress on Nautilus ever few days, though, and since most of it has been in the hack/cut/destroy department, I’ve made a little headway.

I’m definitely lighting the model. I picked up some LED tape, which is exactly what it sounds like: adhesive backed tape with an LED approximately every three-eights of an inch. It comes in a 20-foot roll, and you can light the entire thing with a 9-volt battery. It’s marked every two inches or so where it can be cut to make custom lengths without having to do any soldering.

Since I’m lighting the model, and I want to be able to see the interior I put so much work into, I’m making one of the bay windows and one of the bridge hatches removable.


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