The Nautilus Part 2: The Lounge

globeBeing a swanky science-fiction-enabled underwater craft, the Nautilus has a Victorian lounge with large bay windows. The scale of the sub is in question, as I stated before, and the lounge area really brings this to light: the desk along the wall has sets of books that are quite large compared to the built-in book case contents. I’m telling myself the ones on the desk are log books, and thus larger, and the ones on the wall are paperbacks for casual reading. That doesn’t explain why a writing desk dwarfs a pipe organ, though. In retrospect, I should’ve scratch built a smaller replacement writing desk. Oh well, next build.

In the previous post I showed the brass ceiling beams that went in looking all nice. Well, when this whole thing went together they overlapped the brass pipes on the organ, and they wouldn’t even fit over the writing desk, so I ripped them out. Another argument for scratching a smaller writing desk.

I airbrushed the overall buff wall colors, the red on the sofa, and the brass for the pipes. All other painting I did using a brush and Vallejo acrylic paints. Lots of glazes. I really enjoy this sort of work, and need to find ways to work it into more of my builds.

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