Category Archives: Photography

Portfolio of Gulliver’s Gate Work

These are images of some of the work I did for Gulliver’s Gate, from 2016 through 2018. I had a special gallery plugin installed to showcase them, but it’s become problematic, so this simple grid layout will have to do for now.

Brooklyn Navy Yard Museum and the USS Maine

2015-11-25 12.40.50Recently I finally got some closure on a project from some years ago. I made it out to the museum in Building 92 of the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Part of their collection is a large scale model of the famous battleship USS Maine. A model that I helped build.

Back in 2010 a friend of mine, ship modeler extraordinaire Gary Kingzett, asked me if I’d like to assist him on a build for a museum. My odd work schedules over a 5 or 6 year period allowed me the freedom to travel to his home and workshop in northern New Jersey. Material for the ship’s hull was a large sheet of poured urethane resin, known as butter board. I’ve put some photos in the Continue reading

Writing on the Run

devin and kristenWriting, and any art, is a ritual. Show up at the same time every day, sit at your desk or stand in your studio. Keep showing up and your muse will show up as well, and all will be right with the world.

But what happens when you or your muse get bored with the same ol’?

This is the third year that Kristen and I have done the Reboot Camp in Tamarindo, Costa Rica, with Michael Andreula. We came here for the work out, and work out we do. Every morning we’re up with the sunrise and do a full hour on the beach, punching and kicking with a group of other morning warriors, working with hand and knee pads, round house kicking in the surf, yoga stretches in the sand. Breakfast and decompress immediately after it all, and then it’s 10 a.m. and I’m in a hammock on a rooftop deck with a view of the Pacific, writing.

Something about the workout clears my mind, a sort of meditation. Regular meditation has never Continue reading

Space Shuttle Enterprise

Since I missed the flyover a few weeks back, I wasn’t about to not go down to the waterfront, only two blocks from home, and take photos of the Enterprise floating by on a barge.  I wasn’t the only one to have that idea.  The piers were packed, and the posted schedule was off; the Enterprise showed up about 40 minutes prior to her advertised time.  As such, I got only a few photos, those from a distance.  There’s also some color issues going on here, but that’s something to sort out later if I feel like it.

It’ll be interesting to see how the Intrepid Museum handles this.  I have to say I’m still not happy with them building a structure on the newly refurbished flight deck to house Enterprise, but hopefully it won’t cause too much damage and they can get the pier facilities up and running in a timely manner.

Another Fourth on the Hudson

The fireworks were on our side of Manhattan again this year.  A great show as always.

I shot all of these photos (click on image at the left for full gallery) using a tripod, corded shutter release, and a 1/8th second shutter speed.

I just chucked everything up there, so please forgive the lack of editing.

Hudson River Pageant

The Hudson River Pageant was this past weekend, and Kristen choreographed and performed in some of the events along the Hudson River Park’s length.  Here are some photos I shot while struggling with ample doses of cold medication.

Photos were shot with my Rebel XTI SLR.  I’m playing around more with manual settings, trying to actually LEARN how to use a camera and get the results I want, and doing less of the “close your eyes and push the button” method that I’ve used so much in the past.

Chanel Mobile Museum; Fall, 2008.

chanelI continue to upload new and old content to my updated website. The old content is and will mostly be for my photography.  I wasn’t happy with how I had things grouped and uploaded on my old site, so I just didn’t put that page back up when I upgraded earlier this year.

The first re-addition is a set of photos from the Chanel Mobile Museum exhibit in Central Park during the fall of 2008. This was a once in a lifetime event, and I’m really glad I got to work on it.  It also turned out to be the last showing of this exhibit: after having built and struck the museum in several foreign countries,  Chanel killed the funding for the project at the end of the New York run as they could no longer rationalize the expense as the world stock markets tumbled.