Viper: Wings!

Posted August 21st, 2011 by Devin and filed in Colonial Viper MKII, Modeling

Only one photo for this update.  I’m at that stage where a lot of work gets done and very little of it is visible to anyone but the one doing it: paint prep.  I was pleasantly surprised that the wings went on and the alignment was perfect.  The problem I ran into, though, is that there was a substantial gap between the wings and the fuselage on both sides, and between the vertical stabilizer and the fuselage.  Now I’m going through the ritual of filling with putty, shaping, sanding, priming, finding what didn’t turn out perfect, and then repeating the entire process until everything is smooth and ready for paint.  I figure with this kit it’ll take me the better part of a week.  I hope to have a full base-coat of primer on by next weekend.

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