Pizza in Central Park

Posted October 6th, 2008 by Devin and filed in Whatever

Did someone say pizza?The Chanel project continues in Central Park.  I’m finally, after two weeks, into the groove of the 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. schedule, enough so that I can get some things done during the day and get back to writing.  I guess the two week acclimation period is just another indicator that I’m not in my early twenties anymore (when I used to work the night shift aboard ship with no problem).

Here’s some information: The raccoons in Central Park go nuts over pizza.  We see them every evening, stealing cookies from the catering table and generally being nosey.  On Saturday night, though, we had pizza and they went nuts.  Literally under foot, four of them at a time working together to get to the pizza boxes, multi-pronged approaches from opposite sides of the tent.  Quite funny.

Oh yeah, and the building continues to go up.  It looks like the cross between a UFO and a conch shell.

The skeleton structure2.jpg pizza2.jpg

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