Catching up

Posted May 19th, 2008 by Devin and filed in Whatever, Writing

notfound.jpg I used to always wonder why my father, who was essentially a mechanic in his regular job, used to procrastinate when it came time to help me work on my car. Now that I’m a computer tech and I find myself with a crippled computer at home and no desire to work on anything electronic after a full day at the office, I finally understand.

That’s a long way of saying my computer’s busted, I’m waiting on a part to fix it, and until it shows up I’m just not interested in taking any extra steps to keep myself online and connected. Meh, I can use the break.

In the meantime, Matt was good enough to to post about Altered Fluid’s most recent early morning appearance on Hour of the Wolf a week ago, saving me the effort. Thanks, Matt!

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