Colonial Viper MKII

Posted February 8th, 2011 by Devin and filed in Colonial Viper MKII, Modeling

I’ve been contracted to build a model of the Colonial Viper MKII, from the new Battlestar Galactica series.  I’m using the recent release of the Moebius  Models kit, 1/32nd scale in plastic.

Below are some photos of the kit parts, decals, a sample page from the instructions, etc.

My goal is to have this build completed by the first weekend in April, so that I can enter it in our yearly MosquitoCon contest, and then ship it to the client the following week.  Quite a goal, considering how slowly I generally build, but my lack of employment at the moment should allow me to meet my deadline.  I’ve already started construction on the cockpit, photos will be in the next post.

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