Keeping up

Posted November 27th, 2007 by Devin and filed in Whatever, Writing


Sometimes I think starting a blog was just another way for me to heap anxiety upon my life. If I don’t update it every week then I feel like there’s something amiss, like I’m slacking.

The truth is, though, that I spend time on my blog when I am slacking. The lack of updates over the past several weeks are because I’m actually writing. I sit down at the coffee shop every day (and I found a new one; farewell to stroller-infested Panera), I think about what I want to work on, and I never think “My time is best spent updating my blog”. Never. I always opt to work on my current story. I know there are a lot of people who update their blogs weekly, daily, sometimes hourly, and more power to ‘em. To me this is a side-bar, something cool when I have time, and if I don’t have the time, then nothing. It takes time. Hell, even the photos are a hassle. I want everything I post to be mine, so I don’t use web graphics or photos, only stuff I’ve taken or created myself. (I couldn’t think of a photo appropriate for this post, so I just stuck in something I took this past weekend)

And yes, simply by writing this now, I’m not working on a story that I’m really excited about. That along with Photoshop work due, and red Swingline’s on the bench, means I don’t really have time to be writing this…