Rust and Rubble

Posted May 13th, 2007 by Devin and filed in Photography

TowerI have this thing for old rusted out objects. Put a camera in my hand and if there isn’t a sunset around to focus on, I’ll look for something dilapidated and on the verge of collapse to photograph.

This past Friday I was in Cranford, New Jersey, for the monthly NJIPMS meeting and spotted this water tower. It sits on top of what appears to be an abandoned factory that is behind much clutter and a fence, so I had to settle for just the tower.

The next shot is of the continuing redaction of Hoboken. It’s a simple process: take an old factory, warehouse, or any buildingBuilding with history and character, raze it flat, and then build something cheap and garish in its place. This is the southern most end of a block-long warehouse on the extreme western side of Hoboken. By next weekend the whole place will probably be gone.

Can’t even talk about the weather…

Posted April 15th, 2007 by Devin and filed in Photography

GrassJust a photo of some grass today. It looks spring-like, which is a lie. I took the photo in a florist’s workspace a week or so ago. Anything this green, and found outdoors, would have died from exposure this month.  Now I know why the old move to Florida (but I’ve already lived there, so that isn’t an option).

There’s about a month left in classes for this semester, so no time to write anything further. Must get back to dissecting Macbeth.


Posted March 16th, 2007 by admin and filed in Photography

What does this button do?


Hey, that actually worked. A sunset/moon-rise from our roof-top deck a few evenings ago.